The Jennifer Ann Crecente Memorial Group, Inc.

Jennifer Ann's Group is preventing teen dating violence through Awareness, Education, and Advocacy (+prosocial games) in memory of Jennifer Crecente.

Play our Free Prosocial Video Games

Free video games about consent, critical thinking, healthy relationships, resilience, teen dating violence, and more.

An orange box with screen, controller, and buttons resembling a handheld gaming device. At the top of this screen are five pixelized hearts. Below, is 'Prosocial Video Games'

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Jennifer Ann Crecente, a teenage girl with shoulder-length hair, is wearing jeans and a long-sleeve shirt. Jennifer smiles for the camera. Above her are rich blue skies with scattered clouds. The sky is similar to the processed header image of sky, clouds, and sun at the top of this web page. Beneath Jennifer are gypsum sand dunes. Jennifer's shadow is cast a short distance behind her across the undulating waves of sand. The sky and sand continue to the horizon, meeting near the midpoint of the photo. Photograph taken at White Sands National Park in New Mexico. Jennifer Crecente at age 13
White Sands, New Mexico

Free printable bookmarks to stop teen dating violence

Front of bookmark [300dpi 1.55MB printed size: 6.13 x 2.11 in]
Image of the front of an educational bookmark from Jennifer Ann's Group. The top has a banner image of a stylized sky. Beneath is a statistic: 44% of all students have been in an abusive relationship by the they graduate from college. Adjacent to the statistic is: Jennifer Ann's Group. Preventing dating violence through Awareness, Education, and Advocacy +video games. This is followed by @stopTDV and EIN 20-4618499.
Back of bookmark [300dpi 3.79MB printed size: 6.13 x 2.11 in]
Image of the back of an educational bookmark from Jennifer Ann's Group. Along the top is a ruler indicating centimeters. Along the bottom is a ruler indicating inches. Between these rulers is a middle section with several areas of content. From left to right: a list of commonly misspelled words; several common math formulas; text which says Video Games students, parents, educators; below that text are icons from various appstores and above that text is a QR code. The last content area in this middle section offers 10 Warning Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship. Below this middle section is a callout: Call the National Dating Abuse Helpline available 24/7 1-866-331-9474.

[Click on the above images to open print-quality PDFs to print at home, school, or work.]

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Select Media Coverage of Jennifer Ann's Group® & Gaming Against Violence

Logos of media organizations are shown. From left to right, those logos are from: NPR, Polygon, Monitor on Psychology, Fast Company, Wired, Games for Health Journal, GamePolitics, boingboing, Kotaku, Newsweek, Gamasutra, The Huffington Post, HLN.