Jennifer Crecente - September 9, 1987 - February 15, 2006 Jennifer Ann Crecente at age 15
Mazatlan, Mexico


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  • If you represent a school or organization please order our free cards by filling out an order form.
  • Become an advocate in your area to help distribute cards and information about Teen Dating Violence. With no paid staff we rely on volunteers like you to help us to educate our teens. Please help by contacting us at .
  • Participate in our new forum to discuss Teen Dating Violence.
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1 in 3 Teens
Has Been in An Abusive Relationship

Ten Warning Signs of an Abusive Relationship

Could you be in an abusive relationship? Create a Safety Plan!

(TTY for deaf/hearing impaired)
National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

Fill out our order form to request our free Educational Cards.

Please donate to help us continue to provide free services. We rely 100% on donations and as a 501(c)(3) organization your donations are tax-deductible.