

2012 Life.Love. Game Design Challenge

We are proud to announce the winning game of the 2012 Life.Love. Game Design Challenge!

Since 2008, Jennifer Ann's Group has sponsored the Life.Love. Game Design Challenge to challenge video game designers and developers to create a video game about teen dating violence. Our goal is to increase awareness about teen dating violence as well as provide educational information to help teens, tweens, and young adults identify a potentially abusive relationship in order to seek help in removing themselves from unhealthy relationships.

For 2012 we are pleased to award the first place prize of $5,000 to KoKo from Croatia.

This is the third year in a row that the winning video game has come from outside of the U.S. In 2010, the winning game, "Grace's Diary" was developed by Hima in Thailand and in 2011, the winning entry, "Finding Jane" came from Jean HEHN of Another Kind in Belgium.

On the surface, the 2012 winning game 'DatingDangers1.0' is an interactive quiz about dating violence but it becomes quickly apparent that there is something more at play here. As the game evolves from rudimentary quiz to critique of our society, the player will be challenged to demonstrate their knowledge of dating violence. Experiencing all of the game will require several re-plays to explore the various tracks.

Do you know enough about dating violence to win a cookie?

Winner of $5,000:

KoKo | Play the 2012 Award-Winning Game
2012 winning game to prevent teen dating violence


Thank you for your interest in preventing teen dating violence.
Check out our other award-winning games to prevent dating violence.